Circuit training has loads of benefits. These range way from its flexibility, the variety of exercises you get to do and the fact that the social nature of the class makes you more likely to keep coming back.

1. You can work at your own pace

Whatever your fitness level, you can go through the circuit at your own pace, so it’s perfect for everyone, whether you’re a fitness fanatic or someone who’s just getting back into exercise.

2. You get to enjoy a variety of exercises

There’s a huge range of exercises you can enjoy, from free weights, to resistance workouts and cardio vascular exercises. This means that whatever your targets, you can work towards them in a circuits class.

3. It’s a Friendly Environment

You work in groups every session and so the social nature of the class means you’re more likely to keep coming back. You can help keep one another motivated, which means you’re more likely to reach your targets.


4. Great for Burning Calories and Fat

Most circuit exercises are fairly high-intensity and a brilliant contribution to burning body fat, so if you want to lose weight, circuit training is a great way to help you achieve this.

5. Circuits are great for making you fitter

As well as helping you lose weight, the intense cardiovascular workout is great for improving your fitness and stamina. This will help you go harder for longer and can even help you prepare for events such as running races, triathlons and cycling events.

6. The classes will help you build muscle

The body weight and free weight exercises included in circuit training are also great for helping to build lean muscle mass. It’ll also help you tone up what you’ve already got.